Declaring bankruptcy is difficult.  

   Declaring bankruptcy is difficult, considering your future credit, self-image and much more. But at certain point it could be a blessing. Have a look at the advantages and disadvantages of filing bankruptcy. 


1.You are no longer haunted by the calls from your credit card companies once you file bankruptcy
2.Most of your bank garnishments will be taken off. Your trustee will notify your employer, the court and the creditor to stop the wage garnishment as soon as you file for bankruptcy
3.Your credit card must have ended up you all the troubles. If you still don’t think it’s bad, you may be able to obtain new lines of credit within one to three years of filing bankruptcy, although at a much higher interest rate.

To know more visit BLC San Diego


1.You’ll possibly lose any realisable assets of value. They might not be sold until immediately or not until after the discharge of the bankrupts.
2.If the debtor is owner or shared owner of any house this will certainly be sold
3.If the debtor owns any business, this could be sold if bankruptcy is filed and employees could be dismissed.
4.If the bankrupt has rent arrears and live in rented accommodation, this could put the house at risk. If the house owner consider the liabilities are unlikely to be paid he could commence possession action. In some tenancy agreements, it’s made clear that undischarged bankrupts cannot be a tenants.


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